
AOS98 Sub Committee Meeting via zoom:

As we begin a broad conversation about education in and near the Boothbay peninsula region, this sub-committee is exploring questions of expanded educational opportunities and efficient use of resources for all students. We appreciate your thoughts as we establish a plan to move forward. Please note, this subcommittee welcomes public comment in the chat but this initial meeting is for stakeholder identification and as such, we will not be responding to public comment. The purpose of this meeting is to clarify which communities would like to engage in this discussion moving forward, determine how best to engage with various stakeholder groups in those communities, and begin identifying both existing and desired connections between communities and districts. These three points, along with introductions and necessary background information, will guide the evening and no further agenda will be produced in advance. Please note that attendance at this meeting does not necessarily commit you to a long-standing committee obligation.

Topic: Long Range Planning Time: Sep 26, 2023 06:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 885 7925 9024 Passcode: Kfr9fQ